Key Documents


The Bumbuna II Hydropower project will be developed and operated in a manner that is environmentally-sustainable and socially-responsible, that protects the health and safety of employees and communities. The project has been prepared, and will be constructed and operated to meet all regulatory requirements, and international standards as established in the IFC and EIB Environmental and Social Standards.

Key Project Documents
Key Project Documents

  • Seli Hydropower Scheme Technical Overview - Download
  • Seli Environmental and Social Update - Download
  • Seli Environmental, Social and Health Impact Assessment Non-Technical Summary - Download
  • Seli Environmental, Social, Health and Safety Policy - Download

Environmental and Social Management, Health and Safety Management
Environmental and Social Management, Health and Safety Management

  • Seli Environmental and Social Management Overview - Download
  • Seli Health and Safety Management System Framework - Download
  • Seli Grievance Redress Mechanism - Download


  • Seli Resettlement Action Plan Phase 1 - Download
  • Seli Resettlement Action Plan Phase 2 Scoping Report - Download
  • Seli Resettlement File Note - Download

Community Development
Community Development

  • Seli Indigenous Peoples Analysis Note - Download


  • Seli Biodiversity Overview Presentation - Download
  • Seli Biodiversity Action Plan 2019 - Download
  • Seli Offset Strategy 2019 - Download
  • Seli Prioritisation of Biodiversity features 2019 - Download
  • Seli Residual Impact Assessment 2019 - Download
  • Seli Critical Habitat Assessment 2017 - Download

Water Quality, Downstream Flows and Reservoir Management

  • Seli Downstream Livelihoods Assessment - Download
  • Seli Ecological Flow Assessment - Download
  • Seli Eutrophication Risk Assessment - Download